measures measures derivative_of derivative of disrupts disrupts prevents prevents conceptually_related_to conceptually related to manifestation_of manifestation of diagnoses diagnoses evaluation_of evaluation of contains contains co-occurs_with co-occurs with conceptual_part_of conceptual part of performs performs degree_of degree of interacts_with interacts with uses uses issue_in issue in assesses_effect_of assesses effect of property_of property of precedes precedes result_of result of causes causes practices practices ingredient_of ingredient of analyzes analyzes surrounds surrounds indicates indicates associated_with associated with affects affects location_of location of produces produces process_of process of measurement_of measurement of connected_to connected to carries_out carries out method_of method of adjacent_to adjacent to occurs_in occurs in consists_of consists of interconnects interconnects manages manages complicates complicates part_of part of treats treats isa is a developmental_form_of developmental form of exhibits exhibits