try gtp vit

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thanhvc3 2024-04-28 11:57:17 +07:00
parent f8e969cbd1
commit 41a5c7b05a

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@ -543,6 +543,44 @@ class FouriER(torch.nn.Module):
def forward_tokens(self, x):
outs = []
B, C, H, W = x.shape
N = H*W
if self.graph_type in ["Semantic", "Mixed"]:
# Generate the semantic graph w.r.t. the cosine similarity between tokens
# Compute cosine similarity
if self.class_token:
x_normed = x[:, 1:] / x[:, 1:].norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
x_normed = x / x.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
x_cossim = x_normed @ x_normed.transpose(-1, -2)
threshold = torch.kthvalue(x_cossim, N-1-self.num_neighbours, dim=-1, keepdim=True)[0] # B,H,1,1
semantic_graph = torch.where(x_cossim>=threshold, 1.0, 0.0)
if self.class_token:
semantic_graph = semantic_graph - torch.eye(N-1, device=semantic_graph.device).unsqueeze(0)
semantic_graph = semantic_graph - torch.eye(N, device=semantic_graph.device).unsqueeze(0)
if self.graph_type == "None":
graph = None
if self.graph_type == "Spatial":
graph = self.spatial_graph.unsqueeze(0).expand(B,-1,-1)
elif self.graph_type == "Semantic":
graph = semantic_graph
elif self.graph_type == "Mixed":
# Integrate the spatial graph and semantic graph
spatial_graph = self.spatial_graph.unsqueeze(0).expand(B,-1,-1).to(x.device)
graph = torch.bitwise_or(,
# Symmetrically normalize the graph
degree = graph.sum(-1) # B, N
degree = torch.diag_embed(degree**(-1/2))
graph = degree @ graph @ degree
if self.token_scale:
token_scales = self.token_scales.unsqueeze(0).expand(B,-1).to(x.device)
token_scales = None
for idx, block in enumerate(
x = block(x)
# output only the features of last layer for image classification
@ -868,6 +906,270 @@ def window_reverse(windows, window_size, H, W):
x = x.permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5).contiguous().view(B, -1, H, W)
return x
def propagate(x: torch.Tensor, weight: torch.Tensor,
index_kept: torch.Tensor, index_prop: torch.Tensor,
standard: str = "None", alpha: Optional[float] = 0,
token_scales: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
Propagate tokens based on the selection results.
- x: Tensor([B, N, C]): the feature map of N tokens, including the [CLS] token.
- weight: Tensor([B, N-1, N-1]): the weight of each token propagated to the other tokens,
excluding the [CLS] token. weight could be a pre-defined
graph of the current feature map (by default) or the
attention map (need to manually modify the Block Module).
- index_kept: Tensor([B, N-1-num_prop]): the index of kept image tokens in the feature map X
- index_prop: Tensor([B, num_prop]): the index of propagated image tokens in the feature map X
- standard: str: the method applied to propagate the tokens, including "None", "Mean" and
- alpha: float: the coefficient of propagated features
- token_scales: Tensor([B, N]): the scale of tokens, including the [CLS] token. token_scales
is None by default. If it is not None, then token_scales
represents the scales of each token and should sum up to N.
- x: Tensor([B, N-1-num_prop, C]): the feature map after propagation
- weight: Tensor([B, N-1-num_prop, N-1-num_prop]): the graph of feature map after propagation
- token_scales: Tensor([B, N-1-num_prop]): the scale of tokens after propagation
B, C, N = x.shape
# Step 1: divide tokens
if cls_token:
x_cls = x[:, 0:1] # B, 1, C
x_kept = x.gather(dim=1, index=index_kept.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1,-1,C)) # B, N-1-num_prop, C
x_prop = x.gather(dim=1, index=index_prop.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1,-1,C)) # B, num_prop, C
# Step 2: divide token_scales if it is not None
if token_scales is not None:
if cls_token:
token_scales_cls = token_scales[:, 0:1] # B, 1
token_scales_kept = token_scales.gather(dim=1, index=index_kept) # B, N-1-num_prop
token_scales_prop = token_scales.gather(dim=1, index=index_prop) # B, num_prop
# Step 3: propagate tokens
if standard == "None":
No further propagation
elif standard == "Mean":
Calculate the mean of all the propagated tokens,
and concatenate the result token back to kept tokens.
# naive average
x_prop = x_prop.mean(1, keepdim=True) # B, 1, C
# Concatenate the average token
x_kept =, x_prop), dim=1) # B, N-num_prop, C
elif standard == "GraphProp":
Propagate all the propagated token to kept token
with respect to the weights and token scales.
assert weight is not None, "The graph weight is needed for graph propagation"
# Step 3.1: divide propagation weights.
if cls_token:
index_kept = index_kept - 1 # since weights do not include the [CLS] token
index_prop = index_prop - 1 # since weights do not include the [CLS] token
weight = weight.gather(dim=1, index=index_kept.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1,-1,N-1)) # B, N-1-num_prop, N-1
weight_prop = weight.gather(dim=2, index=index_prop.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1,weight.shape[1],-1)) # B, N-1-num_prop, num_prop
weight = weight.gather(dim=2, index=index_kept.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1,weight.shape[1],-1)) # B, N-1-num_prop, N-1-num_prop
weight = weight.gather(dim=1, index=index_kept.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1,-1,N)) # B, N-1-num_prop, N-1
weight_prop = weight.gather(dim=2, index=index_prop.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1,weight.shape[1],-1)) # B, N-1-num_prop, num_prop
weight = weight.gather(dim=2, index=index_kept.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1,weight.shape[1],-1)) # B, N-1-num_prop, N-1-num_prop
# Step 3.2: generate the broadcast message and propagate the message to corresponding kept tokens
# Simple implementation
x_prop = weight_prop @ x_prop # B, N-1-num_prop, C
x_kept = x_kept + alpha * x_prop # B, N-1-num_prop, C
""" scatter_reduce implementation for batched inputs
# Get the non-zero values
non_zero_indices = torch.nonzero(weight_prop, as_tuple=True)
non_zero_values = weight_prop[non_zero_indices]
# Sparse multiplication
batch_indices, row_indices, col_indices = non_zero_indices
sparse_matmul = alpha * non_zero_values[:, None] * x_prop[batch_indices, col_indices, :]
reduce_indices = batch_indices * x_kept.shape[1] + row_indices
x_kept = x_kept.reshape(-1, C).scatter_reduce(dim=0,
index=reduce_indices[:, None],
x_kept = x_kept.reshape(B, -1, C)
# Step 3.3: calculate the scale of each token if token_scales is not None
if token_scales is not None:
if cls_token:
token_scales_cls = token_scales[:, 0:1] # B, 1
token_scales = token_scales[:, 1:]
token_scales_kept = token_scales.gather(dim=1, index=index_kept) # B, N-1-num_prop
token_scales_prop = token_scales.gather(dim=1, index=index_prop) # B, num_prop
token_scales_prop = weight_prop @ token_scales_prop.unsqueeze(-1) # B, N-1-num_prop, 1
token_scales = token_scales_kept + alpha * token_scales_prop.squeeze(-1) # B, N-1-num_prop
if cls_token:
token_scales =, token_scales), dim=1) # B, N-num_prop
assert False, "Propagation method \'%f\' has not been supported yet." % standard
if cls_token:
# Step 4 concatenate the [CLS] token and generate returned value
x =, x_kept), dim=1) # B, N-num_prop, C
x = x_kept
return x, weight, token_scales
def select(weight: torch.Tensor, standard: str = "None", num_prop: int = 0, cls_token = True):
Select image tokens to be propagated. The [CLS] token will be ignored.
- weight: Tensor([B, H, N, N]): used for selecting the kept tokens. Only support the
attention map of tokens at the moment.
- standard: str: the method applied to select the tokens
- num_prop: int: the number of tokens to be propagated
- index_kept: Tensor([B, N-1-num_prop]): the index of kept tokens
- index_prop: Tensor([B, num_prop]): the index of propagated tokens
assert len(weight.shape) == 4, "Selection methods on tensors other than the attention map haven't been supported yet."
B, H, N1, N2 = weight.shape
assert N1 == N2, "Selection methods on tensors other than the attention map haven't been supported yet."
N = N1
assert num_prop >= 0, "The number of propagated/pruned tokens must be non-negative."
if cls_token:
if standard == "CLSAttnMean":
token_rank = weight[:,:,0,1:].mean(1)
elif standard == "CLSAttnMax":
token_rank = weight[:,:,0,1:].max(1)[0]
elif standard == "IMGAttnMean":
token_rank = weight[:,:,:,1:].sum(-2).mean(1)
elif standard == "IMGAttnMax":
token_rank = weight[:,:,:,1:].sum(-2).max(1)[0]
elif standard == "DiagAttnMean":
token_rank = torch.diagonal(weight, dim1=-2, dim2=-1)[:,:,1:].mean(1)
elif standard == "DiagAttnMax":
token_rank = torch.diagonal(weight, dim1=-2, dim2=-1)[:,:,1:].max(1)[0]
elif standard == "MixedAttnMean":
token_rank_1 = torch.diagonal(weight, dim1=-2, dim2=-1)[:,:,1:].mean(1)
token_rank_2 = weight[:,:,:,1:].sum(-2).mean(1)
token_rank = token_rank_1 * token_rank_2
elif standard == "MixedAttnMax":
token_rank_1 = torch.diagonal(weight, dim1=-2, dim2=-1)[:,:,1:].max(1)[0]
token_rank_2 = weight[:,:,:,1:].sum(-2).max(1)[0]
token_rank = token_rank_1 * token_rank_2
elif standard == "SumAttnMax":
token_rank_1 = torch.diagonal(weight, dim1=-2, dim2=-1)[:,:,1:].max(1)[0]
token_rank_2 = weight[:,:,:,1:].sum(-2).max(1)[0]
token_rank = token_rank_1 + token_rank_2
elif standard == "CosSimMean":
weight = weight[:,:,1:,:].mean(1)
weight = weight / weight.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
token_rank = -(weight @ weight.transpose(-1, -2)).sum(-1)
elif standard == "CosSimMax":
weight = weight[:,:,1:,:].max(1)[0]
weight = weight / weight.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
token_rank = -(weight @ weight.transpose(-1, -2)).sum(-1)
elif standard == "Random":
token_rank = torch.randn((B, N-1), device=weight.device)
print("Type\'", standard, "\' selection not supported.")
assert False
token_rank = torch.argsort(token_rank, dim=1, descending=True) # B, N-1
index_kept = token_rank[:, :-num_prop]+1 # B, N-1-num_prop
index_prop = token_rank[:, -num_prop:]+1 # B, num_prop
if standard == "IMGAttnMean":
token_rank = weight.sum(-2).mean(1)
elif standard == "IMGAttnMax":
token_rank = weight.sum(-2).max(1)[0]
elif standard == "DiagAttnMean":
token_rank = torch.diagonal(weight, dim1=-2, dim2=-1).mean(1)
elif standard == "DiagAttnMax":
token_rank = torch.diagonal(weight, dim1=-2, dim2=-1).max(1)[0]
elif standard == "MixedAttnMean":
token_rank_1 = torch.diagonal(weight, dim1=-2, dim2=-1).mean(1)
token_rank_2 = weight.sum(-2).mean(1)
token_rank = token_rank_1 * token_rank_2
elif standard == "MixedAttnMax":
token_rank_1 = torch.diagonal(weight, dim1=-2, dim2=-1).max(1)[0]
token_rank_2 = weight.sum(-2).max(1)[0]
token_rank = token_rank_1 * token_rank_2
elif standard == "SumAttnMax":
token_rank_1 = torch.diagonal(weight, dim1=-2, dim2=-1).max(1)[0]
token_rank_2 = weight.sum(-2).max(1)[0]
token_rank = token_rank_1 + token_rank_2
elif standard == "CosSimMean":
weight = weight.mean(1)
weight = weight / weight.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
token_rank = -(weight @ weight.transpose(-1, -2)).sum(-1)
elif standard == "CosSimMax":
weight = weight.max(1)[0]
weight = weight / weight.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
token_rank = -(weight @ weight.transpose(-1, -2)).sum(-1)
elif standard == "Random":
token_rank = torch.randn((B, N-1), device=weight.device)
print("Type\'", standard, "\' selection not supported.")
assert False
token_rank = torch.argsort(token_rank, dim=1, descending=True) # B, N-1
index_kept = token_rank[:, :-num_prop] # B, N-1-num_prop
index_prop = token_rank[:, -num_prop:] # B, num_prop
return index_kept, index_prop
class PoolFormerBlock(nn.Module):
Implementation of one PoolFormer block.
@ -910,13 +1212,17 @@ class PoolFormerBlock(nn.Module):
self.layer_scale_2 = nn.Parameter(
layer_scale_init_value * torch.ones((dim)), requires_grad=True)
def forward(self, x):
def forward(self, x, graph):
B, C, H, W = x.shape
x_windows = window_partition(x, self.window_size)
x_windows = x_windows.view(-1, self.window_size * self.window_size, C)
attn_windows = self.token_mixer(x_windows, mask=self.attn_mask)
attn_windows = attn_windows.view(-1, self.window_size, self.window_size, C)
x_attn = window_reverse(attn_windows, self.window_size, H, W)
index_kept, index_prop = select(x_attn, standard="MixedAttnMax", num_prop=0,
x, weight, token_scales = propagate(x, weight, index_kept, index_prop, standard="GraphProp",
alpha=0.1, token_scales=token_scales, cls_token=False)
if self.use_layer_scale:
x = x + self.drop_path(